It’s Funny How…

It’s funny how difficult it can be to wake up for worship, and yet how easy it is to wake up super early for our favorite hobbies. It’s funny how a cold and cough can keep us from going to worship, yet the same cold is hardly even noticed when a day of fun is…

Broke and Overweight

Americans face our fair share of personal pitfalls. If we were to rank these, problems connecting to money and health would rise to the top of the list. A quick look at most people’s New Year’s resolutions make this clear. According to statistics, roughly 45% of all households carry credit card debt (American Debt Advisor).…

Top 10 Yahoo Searches of 2014

Every year Yahoo puts out the top ten searches from that year. The results are always revealing about our culture and the events of the world. Here is what our culture has been searching for (Yahoo). Ebola. Minecraft. Ariana Grande. Jennifer Lawrence. Kaley Cuoco. Kim Kardashian. Frozen. Miley Cyrus. iPhone 6. Jennifer Aniston. The billions…